How to Keep Your Home Smelling Great All the Time

It is essential that you learn how to create a pleasing scent in your house to provide your family and guests with a warm, comfortable atmosphere to spend time in. One of the most evocative senses is smell; one fragrance can take you to another time or place. Hence, you should give your home's scent the same thought and attention as the rest of the interior design.
Every house smells different. While many say they want their homes to smell fresh and inviting, the truth is that some homes just smell nicer than others. No matter how clean you keep your home, a variety of odors can naturally develop. These include pet dirt, an overflowing trash can, food and cooking smells, and stale shoes and boots.
There are numerous simple ways to regularly freshen up the air in your home, even though some odors (like, say, when your dog thinks your carpet is a bathroom) need patience and a lot of elbow grease to remove.
Of course, diffusers and candles only provide the finishing touches – you must first look for ways to fix the bad odors (and their source) before adding new fragrances.
Read also: 7 Hidden Tricks People With Nice-smelling Homes Always Use, According to the Experts
Consult the interior design experts of JarvisInteriors if you want to give your home a touch up.
Here are simple tips that will make your home smelling nice:
1- Make sure your waste disposal is clean.
Is there some stale stink in your kitchen? If so, give your sink a look. It might be the garbage disposal. Squeeze a dollop of dish soap with a lemon scent down the garbage disposal, run the water, and turn it on to get rid of the stink. Slivers of lemon or lime rind can also be ground in a garbage disposal and then mixed with a lot of water. If the odor doesn't go away, run some warm water through the garbage disposal and add 1/2 cup of baking soda.
2- Refresh rugs and carpets.
Contrary to tile and hardwood floors, scents are trapped and retained by plush carpets -and all soft surfaces- even after spills and pet messes have been cleaned up. Sprinkle baking soda all over the carpet to get rid of them. With a brush, gently rub it into the pile in problem areas. Then, let it sit for one to two hours before vacuuming. For optimal suction and pickup, make sure you clean the dust cup and filter on your vacuum before using it, or place it in a clean bag. You can use the same cleaning method with mattresses and pet beds.
3- Give your garbage can an upgrade.
It should come as no surprise that your trash can smells bad given the combination of food crumbs, leftovers, and other waste it holds. Sprinkling baking soda inside of it when you replace the liner or adding a thin coating of baking soda on top of the trash as it builds up are two simple ways to help freshen it. Alternatively, tuck a Fresh Wave-style deodorizing pod or pack beneath the can's liner. After cleaning the lid's two sides and the area around the rim where foul-smelling waste splashes and gathers, use a disinfectant spray to eradicate any leftover bacteria that may be producing the stench.
4- Simmer fruits and herbs on the stove.
Interior designer Rhobin DelaCruz says, "I learned this from my crafty and cleaning-obsessed mother." In a small saucepan, add and simmer water, lemon slices, and herbs (such as mint or lavender). The steam fills the entire home with pleasant aroma, and you can easily customize the scent by altering the combination based on your available ingredients.
5- Place candles all around your home.
Candles are a great way to add a favorite scent to your house, but you can make them more efficient with strategic placement. According to interior designer Dee Murphy, "Anchor a few candles where you would least expect them to be—but don't light them." Try the linen closet or any other place where items are stored and be able to hold on to the scent. Your linens will keep the scent with them wherever you use them, in addition to giving you a pleasant surprise each time you open the door.
Read related: 9 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Nice
6- Bring the greens in.
Indoor plants quickly enliven your living space and purify the air. Many plants also have pleasant scents, such as gardenias, jasmine, and eucalyptus. Just be sure that you're ready to take care of them.
7- Freshen up your air vents.
Attach a car deodorizer to the metal slats of your HVAC and heating vents. Aroma will fill the room as the air blows. This way, you easily give your entire house a uniform scent.
8- Use dryer sheets to add a scent.
Don't limit yourself to the laundry room, stuff some dryer sheets inside dressers, closets, and other tiny spaces. Even after being stored for months, it leaves everything smelling like it just came out of the laundry.
Keeping our home smell good is an easy way to make our homes feel inviting, which is why many homeowners rank this as their top priority. Want to enhance the scent and look of your living space? Talk to the experts from JarvisInteriors today!
Also read: 11 Ways To Make Your House Smell Good
And, to get more ideas on how to update your living room, read this article from JarvisInteriors: How to Refresh a Living Room with These Fun and Creative Tips.
How to Make Your House Smell Good (Okay, Amazing) All the Time
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